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Buffer zones play a major role in bridging the divide between conservation and inclusive development. Historically, the buffer zones were introduced as a neutral area between countries or two areas of domination. From today’s conservationist perspective, they could be understood as a pilot area to demonstrate how balance between people and nature can be achieved. […]
Hope Activism (2015-2018) Hope Activism took place as a series of sound performances in several places. It was created as viewer’s response to my previous work “Lullaby of Tomorrow”. After watching this highly polemic video installation around the Israel- Palestine conflict, people were led to meditate. During this meditation, the invitation was to find the […]
Lullaby of Tomorrow – Video Installation (2010-2014) “How women explain the Israeli-Palestinian conflict to their children” Four women, mothers from Israel and Palestine, were invited to make a film answering a simple question: “How do you explain this conflict to your child?” Yvette, Rima, Sarah and Abeer. Each one with a different life story. As […]