Our Blog

Latest thoughts, ideas & plans.

Farm to Table – Tree of Life

Farm to Table – Tree of Life

Under the guidance of Sonja Schenkel and Eva-Maria Spreitzer, futuring[1] methods were used to enable an imaginary journey into new worlds and dimensions. The workshop focused on the question How can university catering be designed to meet current sustainability requirements and at the same time serve as inspiration and space for new relationships with food, [...]
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Omphalos of Many

Omphalos of Many

«Omphalos of Many» - India, 2024 "Omphalos” means navel in Greek. The navel is a symbol of birth and life; the anchor, our centre point. In ancient Greece there was a legend that Zeus sent out two eagles. Their meeting point was to be the centre of the world. The eagles eventually met in Delphi, [...]
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Brilliant Failures

Brilliant Failures

International partnerships often involve a lot people, resources, money, different languages and culture. In fact, in such settings, there are heaps of things that may go wrong. Our team of researchers agreed that while you cannot avoid failure, we at least want to learn from it. But how? We asked people in Rwanda, Switzerland,  Sri [...]
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Shared land (Tierra Compartida)

Shared land (Tierra Compartida)

Buffer zones play a major role in bridging the divide between conservation and inclusive development. Historically, the buffer zones were introduced as a neutral area between countries or two areas of domination. From today’s conservationist perspective, they could be understood as a pilot area to demonstrate how balance between people and nature can be achieved. […]

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The Iceberg in the Room

The Iceberg in the Room

The project “The Iceberg in the Room” tells the story of Swiss Camp, a research station located at 69 degrees north on the Greenland ice sheet. Originally set up in 1990 by a group from the ETHZ led by Dr. Konrad Steffen. The aim is to raise awareness to the iceberg in the room by [...]
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In the Chrysalis, we follow the journey of a caterpillar morphing into a butterfly.         We connect to an intense longing for shedding our old form. We ask and feel: what does it mean to stop crawling and start growing wings? What can this experience show us about our story as humans [...]
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Hope Activism

Hope Activism

Hope Activism (2015-2018) Hope Activism took place as a series of sound performances in several places. It was created as viewer’s response to my previous work “Lullaby of Tomorrow”. After watching this highly polemic video installation around the Israel- Palestine conflict, people were led to meditate. During this meditation, the invitation was to find the […]

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Lullaby of Tomorrow

Lullaby of Tomorrow

Lullaby of Tomorrow – Video Installation (2010-2014) “How women explain the Israeli-Palestinian conflict to their children” Four women, mothers from Israel and Palestine, were invited to make a film answering a simple question: “How do you explain this conflict to your child?” Yvette, Rima, Sarah and Abeer. Each one with a different life story. As […]

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Street Art – Balberstrasse

Street Art – Balberstrasse

In the course of a large construction site "invading" the neighborhood, we organized an open canvas for people to leave their traces. The offer was to draw their silhouette together with their favorite animal. Pot of paint were organized, parents and children recruited. And the painting took off, and became more, until..One day: Everything was [...]
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