Essay – English
Writing about sustainability and the art of transformation. Very happy about your comments and exchanges.
List of Academic Publications (selection since 2010)
Schenkel S. (2020) Storytelling for the SDGs: Social Impact of Entertainment and Media. In: Leal Filho W., Azul A., Brandli L., Özuyar P., Wall T. (eds) Partnerships for the Goals. Encyclopedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Springer, Cham
From the Ghana Think Tank to Design Anthropology: Reflections on the Power of Art in Participatory Research, 2019. Presented at Transdisclipinary Lab, ETHZ
Social Impact Entertainment: Creating Impact through Media. 2019. Presented upon invitation from the ETHZ4Development Initiative, ETHZ/ Zurich.
MOOC’s (Massive Open Online Courses) and Public Interview:
Participatory Planning: Towards Citizen Design Science. 2016. Upon invitation of Prof. Gerhard Schmitt. Chair of Institute of Information Architecture at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, lecture and MOOC.
How dare you: Unmasking Entrepreneurial Futurism: Never get stuck on your self-identification. 2016. Video Interview Session with IMPACT HUB Zurich. https://how-dare-you.org
What is Humanitarian Innovation. 2015. Video Interview with Terre des Hommes at Oxford Humanitarian Conference. https://www.tdh.ch/de/node/1068
Conference Papers & Book Chapters
The Creativity-Change Nexus. 2014. Schenkel, Sonja. Humanitarian Innovation Conference, University of Oxford
Creativity and Participatory Design 2014. Schenkel, Sonja. Open Mind Center, Zurich.
Emotional Tracking – Kitchen Lectures. 2014. Schenkel, Sonja and Dr. Nielson, Philipp (Max Planck Institute for Human Development). Kunsthochschule Weissensee, Freies Museum Berlin
Matthias Kopp – “Terror, Territory and Ethnic Television – Kankuama TV in Colombia”. 2012. Schenkel, Sonja In: “Participatory – What does it Mean?”, Conference Proceedings , Goettingen: Goettingen University, May 2012
The Innovation – Social Change Nexus. 2013. Schenkel, Sonja. Impact HUB Zurich.
Creativity as Momentum of Leadership or Censorship. 2012. Schenkel, Sonja. Leadership Lunch Conference, Research Center for Leadership in Action NYU Wagner.
On-/Off-Screen: Creative Inquiry into Film Production. 2012. Schenkel, Sonja. Conference on Conflict Resolution, University of Massachusetts, Boston.
Modeling a User’s Culture. 2010. Reinecke, Katharina. Schenkel, Sonja, Bernstein, Abraham. In: Blanchard, Allard. Handbook of Research on Culturally-Aware Information Technologies: Perspectives and Methods. IGI Global.
Print Journalism/Blogging
Freelance Writer for Rosie: Train a Robot. Learn Science, Wyss Zurich, 2018-2019