3_Curatorial Projects

El Gran Paititi

“Paitití”, better known as El Dorado, refers to a mystical Inca treasure lost somewhere in the rainforest of the Amazon. It represents a place of economic, cultural, and spiritual wealth, yet to be discovered.

The El Gran Paitití Project seeks to uncover this treasure, by engaging the public into a vision of a balanced co-existence with Amazonian forests through an emotional festival- experience.

El Gran Paititi combines documentary footage with a fictional story with stand-up comedy into interactive experience-performance. In each place of its tour across cities in Amazonia, it will seek to incorporate specific local stories, so that local people will also be filmed and eventually appear in the show.

The El Gran Paitití Project builds on a partnership between artists, entrepreneurs and scientists, creating a bridge between the Amazon rainforest and cities through mysticism and science.

This means that scientists and artists will gather stories and data to be incorporated into EGP, while entrepreneurs will seek to propose how to scale and put the grand vision of El Gran Paititi into economic action. The role of festival is to inspire dialogue, feel responses and to trigger enthusiasm or critical voices. Its pilot is being planed in Bolivia.

Concept by Sonja Schenkel and Martin Moll

Project Trailer:
