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Der Tag an dem es in Athen keine Autos gab

Ich mag Athen. Die rauhen Strassen von Psirri, die überraschende Ruhe bei Thissio, die Flohmärkte von Monastiraki. Sogar die grossen Autobahnen in und um dir Stadt herum, haben mich immer an Mexico City erinnert. Im Innern eines Autos erscheint einem die Landschaft anders. Wie ist es jedoch hier zu leben? Das wollte ich wissen. Ich [...]
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The Day that Athens had no Cars

I like Athens. The rough streets of Psirri, the surprising tranquility of Thissio, the flea markets of Monastiraki. Even the big highways in and around the city have always reminded me of Mexico City (a place, I really like). Inside a car or coming back from a beach, landscapes seem different. But what is it [...]
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A Letter to Arachne in Times of Covid

Letter to Arachne in Times of Covid November 2021 Dear Arachne, I learned about your story the other day. Your name in Greek means “spider” because you were the first of your kind. However, poets sang about how you were once a princess of exquisite beauty and pride, also a gifted weaver, whose fabrics were [...]
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